The 6 Best Crypto Wallets in India 2024 – Hot & Cold


All over the world, crypto has boomed within the investment market, especially now that the SEC has approved its trade on US ETFs earlier this year. Bitcoin and other best cryptocurrency projects in india have continued to go up, which only means that the ownership of digital assets is growing. 

For the average Joe, like you and me, the safekeeping of these digital assets is more important than ever! As the value of each coin continues to rise, the desire of hackers and phishing scammers to steal and gain access to your wallet also rises. 

In some countries, crypto wallets are insured if they are associated with banks or have agreements with government agencies. However, this isn’t always the case in all countries. 

In this post, we will unfold the best wallet options for Indian investors of crypto. Keep reading to learn all about the difference between hardware and software wallets and which option is best for you!

The Difference Between Wallets: Hardware VS. Software

wallets calientes vs wallewts frias

Crypto wallets are separate from crypto exchanges and shouldn’t be used in the same way. 

Exchanges are where you can buy, sell and trade different cryptocurrencies. Yes, you can keep your coins in the exchange, but it is not the safest place to store your assets. 

A crypto wallet, on the other hand, is where the long-term storage of your digital assets should be kept. 

Now, the difference within the realm of crypto wallets also varies. The two main different wallets are hardware wallets and software wallets

Hardware Wallet: This is a physical device or object that stores your private keys offline

Software Wallet: This is typically an application or website, that is connected to the internet at all times. It allows users to interact on the blockchain and is easily accessible from any device that is online. 

At first, you might be thinking: “Well, isn’t it better to have quick and easy access to my crypto anywhere in the world?” – Sure. Accessibility is a benefit, especially if you are day trading or using your crypto to make purchases habitually.  But what about the long-term investor holding large amounts of different crypto? Would you want ALL your assets to be vulnerable to hackers and scammers?

Best Hardware Wallets in India

For those looking to store their crypto in a safe and secure location, here are some of the best options for Indian Investors. 

Material Bitcoin

material bitcoin recortada

🔑 Key Features: A cold hardware wallet, available for Bitcoin, Ether and USDT, is one of the safest and securist options for safeguarding your crypto. Made of AISI 304L stainless steel, Material Bitcoin wallets are virtually indestructible as it is fire and waterproof. 

✅ Pros: Highly secure offline storage of your private keys and has an intuitive interface, ideal for new crypto users. 

❌ Cons: Has a higher initial cost than some other wallets. 


ledger nano s

🔑 Key Features: Ledger offers three hardware wallets – the Ledger Nano S Plus, the Ledger Nano X, and the Ledger Stax. Each varies slightly for specific storing and trading needs.

✅ Pros: Ledger supports over 5,000 types of crypto coins and tokens, including Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP, to name a few. 

❌ Cons: Users have complained about slow customer service response time and technical issues with the platform. 

SafePal S1 Pro


🔑 Key Features: 100% air-gapped signing mechanism. Meaning that it isn’t connected to the internet or any other device.

✅ Pros: Support 100+ blockchains and unlimited tokens. 

❌ Cons: Runs on a 500mAh battery, meaning user responsibility is needed for changing and maintaining the battery over time. 

Software Wallet Options in India

If security is not your priority but rather quick access for buying, selling and trading, then a software wallet (also called a hot wallet) is best for you. 


WAZIRX exchange

🔑 Key Features: Known for being one of India’s most popular exchanges and wallets, WazirX has over 10 million users. 

✅ Pros: Very user-friendly and is available on Web, iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac applications. 

❌ Cons: There are allegations that a large amount of money got diverted by Chinese-backed fintech companies to purchase crypto assets and then laundered them abroad to unknown foreign wallets.



🔑 Key Features: Another popular option for Indian crypto investors, it supports over 500 digital assets. Allows users to buy and sell crypto and transfer to fiat money (Indian Rupees).

✅ Pros: Extremely user-friendly and even offers free learning and courses for users. 

❌ Cons: Many users complain that the transaction fees are high and should be lowered. 



🔑 Key Features: Operating since 2016, it is one of India’s oldest crypto exchanges and wallets. 

✅ Pros: Allows for easy access and trading, buying and selling 24/7. 

❌ Cons: Longer than usual wait times and holds on transfers compared to other wallets and exchanges on our list. 


The Risk of Storing Crypto on Exchanges

Storing crypto on your chosen exchange is considered to be the easiest way to keep your Bitcoin, USDT or other coins. But, one big safety issue to consider is the vulnerability it has being held on an online exchange. 

There are many risks to leaving your cryptocurrencies on an exchange, for example, hackers have a much easier time gaining access and taking control of your private keys and assets on an exchange than they would on a hardware wallet, especially on a cold hardware wallet, like that of Material Bitcoin since it is physically in your custody. 

Best Option? Cold Hardware Wallet

This type of wallet functions on two main components: private keys and public addresses.

Think of your private keys as your super secure password for accessing your crypto and proving ownership. While public addresses are the “final destination” for sending and receiving crypto. 

For new users in India, deciding on the best wallet option is crucial. You want to consider pricing, security, support and most importantly, SECURITY. 

Hardware wallets, like Material Bitcoin, offer a great balance for all of the above. Storing your private keys offline gives you the safety of not being hacked, while also being very user-friendly, offering online support 24/7 for those who need it. 


Explore our wallet options for India and happy investing!

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    Maral Hotoyan

    Maral Hotoyan

    As a content writer with a background in Journalism and Media Studies, Maral has got a knack for making even the trickiest topics easy to understand. These days, she's all about exploring the exciting world of investing and cryptocurrencies. Whether it's the latest crypto trend or a deep dive into investment strategies, she loves turning complicated concepts into stories everyone can enjoy.

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