How to build the best Crypto Portfolio


Do you know exactly which cryptocurrencies you are currently investing in? And how much are you investing in each of them?

Do you have all of this planned out?

I ask you these questions because, as you will see, they are part of having a balanced cryptocurrency portfolio, which should be included in your investment plan.

And now you may be wondering, what exactly is a cryptocurrency portfolio? or how do you create a good portfolio? If you’re interested in learning more, I’ll tell you everything below.

What is a cryptocurrency Portfolio?

crypto portfolio

A cryptocurrency portfolio, or portfolio of cryptocurrencies, is simply the collection of different cryptocurrencies that you have acquired as an investor through an exchange. In other words, it is the “list” of cryptocurrencies that you currently hold and how much money you have invested in each of them.

Portfolios are important for greater control and analysis of our investments.

Have you heard the phrase “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”?

I suppose you can imagine where I’m going with this and why it’s so important. That’s right, with multiple sources of income, you will take fewer risks than with just one.

The same goes for cryptocurrencies, which is why I recommend having a diversified cryptocurrency portfolio.

Types of cryptocurrency portfolios or wallets

That being said, below we explain the two types of portfolios that exist:

  1. Diversified portfolios: Most experts will tell you that you should have a diversified portfolio of cryptocurrencies, which means not putting all your eggs in one basket. This reduces the risk and volatility of your investment, as losses can be offset with gains.

In addition, a diversified portfolio offers you more opportunities to profit from each coin you hold. However, the more diversified your portfolio, the more it will resemble the overall market, and you will earn average returns instead of trying to outperform the market with large gains.

Therefore, managing a diversified portfolio also requires more time and research and can be more complicated if you have to use multiple wallets and exchange platforms to access all your assets. Nonetheless, it is recommended to have some degree of diversification in your portfolio.

  1. Concentrated portfolios: One advantage of having a more concentrated portfolio is that, although it increases risk, it can also increase potential gains. What do you think you need to opt for this portfolio? Based on my experience, I can assure you that you need experience and a lot of education, as the risk is much higher.

Portfolios that achieve the highest returns for expert traders often are not very diversified and have concentrated investments in a few companies or industries. This can be more beneficial for building great wealth in the short term, but it happens very rarely and is very difficult to achieve.

Why is it important to diversify my portfolio?

Diversifying your cryptocurrency investment portfolio is important for multiple reasons:

  1. Minimizes risk: By investing in a single cryptocurrency, you are exposing your portfolio to much higher risk. If the currency you have invested in suddenly falls, your portfolio will suffer a significant loss. On the other hand, if you diversify, you will be spreading your risk among several currencies, which will help you minimize losses in case a particular currency experiences a sudden drop. 
  1. Greater opportunities to profit: By diversifying your portfolio, you will be investing in a variety of currencies with different characteristics and at different stages of development. This means that if a particular currency experiences a drop in its value, other currencies in your portfolio can offset that loss and help maintain the total value of your portfolio. By the way, here is my article on the best cryptocurrencies to invest in for the long term.
  1. Greater flexibility: If you have several cryptocurrencies, in case one falls, you can sell and buy another that is on the rise, for example. What I mean is that you can adjust your portfolio to your goal and market conditions.

What I mean by this is that diversifying involves less risk and, unless you are an experienced expert trader, I recommend it.

How to create a portfolio? Necessary steps

First of all, as with everything, it’s crucial to research the different cryptocurrency projects available before investing. The crypto world is super dynamic and volatile, with projects influencing each other and directly affecting the asset’s price.

To create a good crypto portfolio, it’s essential to investigate the projects that catch your attention the most. Remember that these are still companies, and you must believe in their projection.

Now, let’s see the necessary generic steps to create a good cryptocurrency portfolio.

  1. Define your investment goals: not all investors have the same objectives, so creating your portfolio depends on various factors. Are you looking for long-term or short-term profitability? Are you looking to diversify your portfolio, or are you willing to take a risk with a single coin?
  1. Do research: research the different cryptocurrencies available and choose the ones you believe have the most growth potential. Make sure to read reviews and expert opinions and understand how each coin works.
  1. Learn about blockchain technology: blockchain technology is what allows cryptocurrencies to exist. Learn about how the blockchain works and how it applies to different industries. It will help you better understand the crypto world.
  1. Choose a cryptocurrency wallet: a digital wallet is an application or service that allows you to store and manage your cryptocurrencies. There are many options available, so choose one that is secure and easy to use. Here’s our article on the most secure cryptocurrency wallets in the market.
  1. Start investing: once you have chosen the cryptocurrencies you want to include in your portfolio, you can start investing through a trusted exchange or by directly buying the coins through a digital wallet.
  1. Diversify your portfolio: as mentioned before, it’s essential to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk. Don’t invest all your money in a single 

cryptocurrency. Instead, consider investing in a variety of coins to reduce risk.

  1. Monitor your portfolio: it’s important to keep an eye on your portfolio’s performance and make adjustments as necessary. Keep it diversified and review your investment goals regularly to ensure that your portfolio remains consistent with your goals.

Why Bitcoin and Ethereum are always a good option

Bitcoin and Ethereum are two of the most popular and valued cryptocurrencies in the market. Moreover, both have shown great potential for growth and have been considered by many as one of the safest options in the crypto sector.


One of the main reasons why Bitcoin and Ethereum are considered a good investment option is because they are the largest and most established cryptocurrencies. In fact, they are at the top of the market capitalization ranking. Bitcoin, in particular, has been in the market since 2009 and has proven to be resistant to inflation and volatility. This means that it is less likely to experience large fluctuations in its value and, therefore, Bitcoin can be a safer option for long-term investment.

If you want to have some security in your investment, it is ideal to have most of your capital in these coins since they are the safest compared to other projects.

If you have doubts between them, I leave you my article on the choice between Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Store your cryptos

To store your coins for the long term, I recommend doing so in a cold wallet for cryptocurrencies. Why? Because they are not connected to the internet and cannot be hacked. If you are going to invest a large portion of your capital in any of them, it is essential that they are safe. I recommend our cold wallets as they are some of the safest on the market right now.

cold wallet mbtc

Is it a good time to invest and hold?

The value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate widely due to various factors such as widespread adoption, government regulation, market demand, and public confidence. That’s why it’s harder to predict how the value of a cryptocurrency will perform in the future. What I recommend is that if you want to invest in safer assets, choose those with a history and a certain presence, such as the ones we have mentioned (Bitcoin or Ethereum).

If you look at the history of these cryptocurrencies, you will see that the long-term trend is bullish, so they can be a good option for long-term investment.

In summary…

It is important that you have a clear investment strategy and adequately diversify your portfolio. Also, make sure to store your cryptos in a secure place. I recommend using an online wallet if you usually make agile and continuous transactions, for example, if you are involved in cryptocurrency trading.

Additionally, if you have a large capital invested, it is ideal to store the vast majority in a cold wallet that is not connected to the internet and send to your online wallet the amount you are going to use. If you are dedicated to long-term investing, choose a cold wallet directly.

And that’s it. If you have any questions about this, leave them in the comments 👇 and we will try to answer them as soon as possible.

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